Zanjan, the City of Unique Monuments
The Characteristics of Zanjan
Zanjan, lying in the northwest of Iran Plateau, is the capital of a province of the same name. Being home to many metal and non-metal mines, this city has a good position in metal industry.
This city is considered as a communication path linking the central plateau of Iran to East Azerbaijan Province. It also enjoys mountainous nature and fertile pasture.
Since this city is highly similar to Azeri-language cities of Iran, people speak Azerbaijani in this region. However, Persian is also common in some families.
What Has Zanjan been Famous for in the History?
Zanjan has been given different names during the history. First, the city was named Shahin by Ardeshir Babakan, but turned to Zangan later, which means solid mountain. The current name of the city, Zanjan, dates back to the conquest of Arabs.
During the Qajar era, it was called Khamseh (literally means number five), which refers to five nomadic tribes that lived in the region. However, it is also narrated that the name refers to five important areas.
Zanjan, a City with Historical Ups and Downs
Zanjan has a high historically significance. Above all, some evidences prove that there were settlements in this region in the Achaemenid era. However, the city was founded and prospered in the Sassanid era.
The city witnessed mighty conflicts in the Islamic era, but the most terrible one was Mongol invasion. The extent of the damage was such that the city was abandoned for a long time.
Zanjan revived again simultaneously with the time that Soltanieh was announced as the capital in the late Ilkhanid era. This city is 27 kilometers away from Soltanieh, and this neighborhood led to this prosperity.
In 1384, the Timor Corps invaded the city and a massive massacre took place, so the city was ruined again. The invasion was such calamitous that the city was left for a long time.
The city was prospered again in the Safavid era. Therefore, most of the monuments having been remained was constructed and renovated in the Safavid era.
The Most Important Monuments of Zanjan
Zanjan is home to more than 150 monuments, scattered in the surrounding cities. Among the monuments, Soltanieh Dome has far more significance due to being listed in UNESCO World Heritage Site. To know more about Zanjan attractions, read the following.
Slotanieh Dome, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Soltanieh Dome, lying in Soltanieh City in Zanjan Province, was constructed in the Ilkhanate era. The antiquity of this construction dates back to 13th century.
Soltanieh Dome is an architectural masterpiece whose turquoise dome showcases among a green plain. It is also the earliest existing example of the double-shelled dome and the third largest brick construction in the world.
You can observe the original Iranian architectural decorations in the Interior of Soltanieh Dome. The name of most religious leaders has been engraved on most of the walls in geometrical forms. In addition, there are eight minarets around this octagonal building.
Soltanieh Dome was constructed by the order of Eljayto, in order to pass the body of first Shia Imam to this place. However, he faced serious oppositions. Then he willed his own body to be buried in this site. Finally, he passed away 2 years after the construction of this Soltanieh Dome, and this historical monument became his mausoleum.
Soltanieh Citadel
Soltanieh Citadel is located at the center of Soltanieh City. The citadel, also known as “Cohan Dezh” (literally means ancient fortification), dates back to Ilkhanate era. The surrounding has also been restricted with moat and rampart at the center of which Soltanieh Citadel stands out. This construction comprises of a Jameh Mosque, Khanegah, school and royal tomb.
Soltanieh Archeology Museum
Soltanieh Archeology Museum is located in the southwest of Soltanieh Citadel where the objects discovered in Soltanieh region is preserved. In general, the objects displayed in the museum includes sorts of Ilkhanate-era coins, tiles and pottery.
Zanjan Saltmen Museum
In 1993, six bodies were discovered in one of the salt mines in Zanjan, which are known as saltmen. Among the bodies, there are also the corpse of a woman and a teen boy.
According to archeological discoveries, the mine had been active in Achaemanid era to the late Sassanid era. In this period, the mine collapsed several times and brought about the death of miners.
Currently, Zolfaqari Historical House holds the saltmen, but a part of their bodies are preserved in National Museum of Iran.
Rakhtshoykhaneh, a Historical Building with a Unique Utilization
Rakhtshoykhaneh Building (literally means laundry), located in the historical district of the city, has been renovated recently. At present, it is used as Zanjan Anthropology Museum in which kinds of costumes are displayed.
In terms of utilization, Rakhtshoykhaneh is a unique example in the world. In fact, it was a place for washing the clothes in order secure women. The other utilization of this covered building was providing heath in the cold winter.
This building consists of two main sections, management and the main area. The main area includes 11 symmetrical columns, which has created a beautiful prospect.
Zanjan Bazaar
This city has one of the most beautiful covered markets of Iran. The bazaar, located in the historical district, includes two portions, upper section and lower section. It is also considered as the most prominent commercial and economical center of the city.
This traditional bazaar was constructed in 1790 in the Qajar era. Towards the end of Qajar Reign important sections were added to the bazaar including caravanserais, mosques, Sara, Rasteh and bathrooms.
Zanjan, Registered as the National City of Filigree
Filigree is one of the original handicrafts of the city. In this artwork, Arabesque motifs are engraved with silver threads on vases or dishes. Today, many artists are active in this field.
This city, registered in UNESCO as the international city of filigree, is the main origin of this art. In addition, this artwork dates back to several years ago.
It is noteworthy that there are nine more handicrafts in this part of Iran such as high-quality knives which are top-rated in the country.
The Nature of Zanjan, from Green Gardens to Roaring Rivers
Climate diversity and the outstanding nature of this region has turned it to a destination for nature tours. Many natural attractions such as caves, mineral springs, rivers, gardens and forests have expanded in this area.
Kataleh Khor Cave
Kataleh Khor Cave is a limestone cave dating back to Cenozoic era. It was discovered in 1952 by an Iranian climber.
Kataleh Khor Cave includes unparalleled wonders. According to the researches, this limestone cave ends to Alisadr Cave in Hamadan. It is also said that the cave is 7-story three of which have been discovered.
Ghezel Ozan, the River that flows into the Caspian Sea
Ghezel Ozan, the most important river in this region, origins from Kordestan Mountains. In addition, it ends the Caspian Sea and gives a special beauty and verdure to the surrounding nature.
The name of the river originates from Azeri Language in which Ghezel literally means red and Ozan means long river. This name has been given to the river because it is combined with clays and turns red.
Zanjan Exploration, a City in the Northwest of Iran Plateau
If you are interested to know more about the world heritage, visit Zanjan on your trip to Iran. This journey gives you the opportunity to visit the third biggest brick dome in the world. Besides, you can visit Takht-e Soleyman, listed in UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Iran is home to more than twenty-four historical and natural attractions listed in UNESCO World Heritage Site, two of which are natural and twenty-two of which are historical.
You will experience your most memorable trip with 1001 Nights Tours. We have always tried to organize the best tours for visiting the city. In order to study the itineraries in details click here. You can also increase your information about world heritage here.