Shiraz, One of the Cultural Capitals of Iran
Location and Significance of Shiraz
Shiraz is the fourth largest city of Iran and the capital of Fars Province. This city is located on the hillside of the Zagros Mountains Range at a height of 1400 meters above sea level. It also enjoys a mild climate. Many tourists travel to this city to visit its historical, cultural, religious and natural attractions. They visit the important historical monuments of Fars Province such as Bishapur, Ardashir Palace, Sassanid Palace in Sarvestan, Persepolis and Pasargadae.
Shiraz, the City of Poetry and Literature
This city is known as the city of poetry, wine, love, and beautiful gardens filled with flowers and nightingales. It is interesting to know that many great Iranian poets such as Hafez and Saadi lived in this city. As a result, the tombs of poets are among the most visited places.
Hafezieh, the Tomb of the Most Famous Poet in Iran and the World
Hafezieh is the most famous and the most popular site of the city. This Iranian poet, lived in the 14th century, is globally renowned, and his poem have been translated to the world languages. Therefore, almost all tourists visit Hafez Tomb.
The architecture of Hafezieh is a reason for its popularity. In different eras, several structures were erected in memory of this Iranian poet, but they were destroyed. The current structure, designed by a French architect, dates back to 1936 AD.
Hafezieh, built as a complex, includes four main sectors; northern sector, the western courtyard, the eastern courtyard and the main entrance. This complex spans approximately 2 hectares, and you can find Hafez Tomb in the northern sector. There are also two large ponds in the east and west, surrounded by bitter orange trees.
Saadi Tomb
Saadi is an Iranian poet who was buried in a quarter, known as Saadieh. Actually, the tomb of this poet who lived in in 13th century used to be his residence. Some people believe that it was his Khanqah. However, the construction of the Khanqah was destroyed in 1590. As a result, a luxurious building was constructed by the order of Karim Khan Zand instead. This building did not also last until 1948 and a new tomb was built in the place.
You can observe the new and old architecture in the construction of Saadieh, featuring high columned iwans. It is noteworthy that the architecture of this building has been inspired by Chehel Sotoun Palace. The entrance of this tomb was also designed by André Godard, a French archeologist and architecture.
Shiraz Eye-catching Gardens, a Presentation of Culture and Nature
Gardens are of great importance in the Iranian culture. Pars Province has always had very beautiful gardens such as Pasargadae Historical Garden since a long time ago. Some of the historical gardens of Shiraz such as Eram Garden, Afif-Abad Garden, Delgosha Garden, and Jahan Nama Garden are among the major tourist attractions of this city. As a result, a large number of tourists visit them each day. In addition, Eram Garden was listed as one of the beautiful Persian gardens in UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Eram Garden
Eram Garden is the most famous and beautiful garden in the city, which is globally renowned. This garden, built in the Seljuk era, was restored in the Zandieh era. In addition, the pavilion of the garden dates back to the reign of Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar. It should be noted that the pavilion, built instead of the old building, dates back to the Ilkhanate era.
Eram Garden is also known as the Botanical Garden due to the plant species with high variety. The garden, spanning more than 3000 hectares, includes various trees. Among the plant species existing in the garden, we can refer to bitter orange trees, cypress and various fruit trees.
Afif-Abad Garden
Afif-Abad Garden is among the oldest gardens in Shiraz. This garden, built in the Safavid era, was a resort of Iranian kings. At present, a floor of the garden has converted to the museum of military weapons.
Narenjestan e Ghavam Garden
The Garden was built in the reign of Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar. It had a political usage at a period of time due to hosting the representatives of foreign governments.
The architecture of this garden includes internal part which is home to Zinat-al-Moluk’s House, and external part, Narenjestan Museum. It is mentionable that Zinat-al-Moluk was the daughter of the governor of the city.
Delgosha, a Garden Full of Bitter Orange Trees
This garden, belonging to three historical eras of the Sassanid, Safavid and Qajar; features bitter orange trees and fountains. It was also a famous resort in the Safavid era, so many European tourists mentioned Delgosha Garden in their travel logs. The mansion of this garden, built with an inspiration from the architecture of Sassanid Palace, belongs to the Zandieh era.
The Historical Attractions of Shiraz for Tourists
This city includes many historical and cultural attractions. Among the most important ones, we can refer to Karim Khan Citadel, Quran Gate, Vakil Bazaar and Vakil Bath, Nasir al-Mulk Mosque, Jameh Mosque of Shiraz, Shah Cheragh and Parseh Museum.
Persepolis, the Second Iranian Site listed in UNESCO World Heritage Site
Persepolis is an important historical site of Iran, which lies near Shiraz. This glorious site was listed in UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979. Annually, many tourists visit it from all over the world.
Darius the Great, ordered on constructing Persepolis in 518 BC. Over time, successive Achaemenid kings, Xerxes I and Artaxerxes I, completed it.
Many inscriptions have been discovered from Persepolis, some of which are carved on the walls of palaces. They are also important information resources to know the Achaemenid History.
The destiny of Persepolis is intertwined with Alexander the Great. Persepolis was set on fire by King of Macedonia 189 years after construction. Nevertheless, the stunning architecture of this construction is globally renowned and has turned to a mostly visited site in the world.
Vakil Complex in Shiraz
Vakil Complex is one of the most popular sights of Shiraz, and Vakil Bazar is the most familiar section to tourists. Vakil Mosque and Vakil Bath are also a part of this complex and date back to the Zandieh era.
Vakil Complex is very important architecturally. For example, the seven-color tiles used in the Sahn and iwan of Vakil Mosque made it more elegant. In addition, the spiral stone columns are one of the characteristics of Iranian architecture.
One of the most famous traditional and historical Bazaars of Iran is Vakil Bazaar. The Bazaar is the economical heart of the city and is a place where people still do their shopping. The roof of this bazaar features some holes through which the sun glints. It is also the best place to get to know the handicrafts of this city.
Vakil Bath represents an advanced architecture. It has a small entrance door and an angled changing room entrance which prevents cold air from entering. The most important section of the bath is Shahneshin, situated in both sides of the Khazineh. You can also notice limestone motifs in the lower part of the dome demonstrating traditional and religious local stories.
Nasir-ol-molk, a Mosque with Dazzling Stained Glass
Nasir-ol-molk is also known as the Pink Mosque. This mosque, dating back to the Qajar era, mesmerizes tourists with its colorful glass. The best time to visit the mosque is early morning.
With stunning architecture and colorful mirrorwork, Nasir-ol-molk Mosque is the best place for photography. It is noteworthy that the mirrorwork of this mosque is globally renowned and approximately all tourists hear about its beauty before travelling to Iran. The beautifully designed tiles and columns also manifests Iranian art.
Qur'an Gate
Qur'an Gate is the first attraction visited by the tourists who travel via
road. The gate, featuring tall arches, is one of the six entrance city gates. A Qur'an has been placed on top of the gate protect the travelers from the dangers. That is why it is called Qur'an Gate.
Shiraz Day in Official Persian Calendar
The fragrance of bitter orange blossoms is a characteristic of this city. Historical gardens, urban parks and streets are full of the orange blossoms scent in the middle of spring. In addition, hospitable people of the city put a few green leaves of the orange tree in a bowl of water and spill it behind a traveler because they believe it brings health during the trip. In the Iranian calendar 4th of May is named after this city.
Shiraz Handicrafts
It is one of the richest cities in terms of producing handicrafts. One can point out to Khatamkari, marquetry, rug weaving and woodcarving. In addition, different traditional cookies are delicious souvenirs of this city.
Sister Cities of Shiraz
Dushanbe (Tajikistan), Nicosia (Cyprus), Chongqing (China), Weimar (Germany), Malacca (Malaysia), and Pécs (Hungary) are sisters of the city. This sisterhood has helped to increase the friendship and solidarity of the people and its sister cities.
Shiraz; the City of Literature, Poetry and Histor
Going on a trip to Iran will be unforgettable for interested ones to history and culture. If you are interested in the history of world literature, we recommend you travelling to this city. Not only is this city globally renowned historically, but also it is the origin of great poets.
1001 Nights Tours has provided the opportunity to visit this city in almost all classic tours and combined tours. To view such tours, click here. Moreover, to read more about other main cities of Iran click here.