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Shahdad district
Shahdad, One of the Hot Spots of the World
The General Features of Shahdad
Shahdad, located in Kerman Province, is globally renowned for its natural attractions. It is 87 km from the northeast of Kerman City. The southwest of Shahdad leads to the mountainous regions of Kerman, and its northeast ends to Lut Desert. In the other words, it is the confluence point of central ranges and Lut Desert, which is unique in Iran Plateau. It makes many tourists travel to this destination.
Shahdad is the closest city to Lut Desert. As you know, Lut Desert is listed in UNESCO World Heritage Site.
What leaves tourists in wonder is the high temperature of this area. According to Nasa, this region reached the temperature of 70 ◦C in the summer of 2005. So, it is known as one of the most important hot spots of the world.
Shahdad Archeological Mounds on the Edge of Lut Desert
Shahdad, dating back to 3000 years BC, used to be an important center of urbanization in the east of Iran. At the time of prosperity, this city played an important role in the economy of the region.
Archeological discoveries represent that there used to be metalworking workshops in this area because of the limited number of farming fields. In addition, the copper mines, having been located close to this area, made for the prosperity of industrial activities. So, a portion of the incomes of people were covered through manufacturing and exporting activities.
The most important archeological objects of this region were excavated from the graveyards. More than 700 objects have been discovered in this region, the most important of which is a metal flag. It is the oldest known metal flag in human history. In addition, one of the oldest tiles of the world were discovered in this city.
Like all the civilizations, this ancient civilization has gone through ups and downs. It seems that a huge flood, as a natural phenomenon, caused this civilization to decline.
What Attractions Will You Visit in Shahdad?
Shahdad is unparallel in the world in respect with natural attractions. Many tourists travel to this area just to visit the natural attractions. In the following, we introduce the nature of this region.
Shahdad Yardangs, the Fourth Natural Attraction of the World
Shahdad Yardangs, located in the west of Lut Desert, are of the most important natural attractions in the world. This natural phenomenon is found in many deserts, but the ones we visit in Lut Desert are so unique. They were announced as the 4th natural attraction of the world by National Geography Magazine.
A Yardang is a flat-topped protuberance that is separated by U-shaped troughs. The windward side is steep and the other side is low-slope. Yardangs are made of clay and plaster, and some of which reach more than 50 meters.
There are some speculations about the history of human settlement in this region. Kalut (yardang) is an integration of two words of “Kal”, literally means city, and “Lut”, referring to Lut Desert. So, Kalut means Lut City. Even some of the tourists who travelled to this region in the past, described it as a deserted city. But the fact is that yardangs are just natural phenomena having been created with the act of nature.
There are different theories about the formation of yardangs. Some researchers believe that they were formed as a result of wind erosion. Some others attribute the them to the humidity of the only permanent river of Lut Desert, known as Shur River (salty river). It is also brough up that Lut Desert used to have humid weather, so the erosions mainly took place at the time.
Nebka Sand Vases
Nebca is a natural phenomenon formed with the action of wind and water around vegetation. In fact, the vegetation of this region acts like an obstacle against the wind, which causes sand to accumulate around the plant. Finally, a hill is formed on top of which there are some plants. That is why they are called sand vases.
These natural vases are usually found in the flat surface of desert. This place is covered with sand and maintains enough humidity for the growth of plants. The plants growing in these vases are of Haloxylon and Tamarisk genus and reach 10 meters high.
Shoor River and Shoor Hole
Shoor River (literally means salty river) is originated out of Kerman Province and flows into Shoor Hole in Shahdad Desert. This river passes 200 km, and is fed by many rivers on its way. Reaching Lut Desert, it is decreased in depth and increased in salinity.
Shoor Hole is the biggest hole of Lut Desert. Since many seasonal and permanent rivers flow into this hole, it contains a large portion of water. In addition, the salt sedimented in the coast, creates a beautiful scenery.
Gandom Beryan Hill, an Area Covered with Volcanic Rock
Gandom Beryan Hill is known as one of the hottest spots in the world. Being covered with volcanic rock, it is increased in temperature. The other reason for the hot weather of this hill is being located in one of the lowest regions of Iran Plateau.
Gandom Beryan Hill, located 80 km away from this desert city, is of the natural attractions of this region. It covers an area of 480 km2 and lacks alive creatures due to its high temperature.
The best time to visit Gandom Beryan is winter, when the snow-covered mountains of Sirch, located in Kerman, is observable.
Some historical theories suggest that commercial caravans frequently passed this region in the past due to the close distance of this city to the Silk Road. The name of this region also refers to its sever hot temperature. Because it is narrated that the wheats which fell from the load of caravans passing through this region got scorched due to the hot climate.
Shahdad Desert, the Best Site for Desert Camps
To experience a memorable desert camp in Iran, Shahdad is the best destination. In this regard, there are two choices. Travelers can stay in permanent camps among yardangs, which are equipped with ideal facilities or put up temporary camps.
Camping in the heart of the desert makes the best residential experience for you. And give you the opportunity to make a peaceful night filled with silence. These camps make a memorable night for you far from the hustle and bustle of the city.
What Recreational Activities Can You Experience in Shahdad Desert?
Shahdad Desert is equipped with different recreational activities such as off-road safari, camel ridding, hiking, photography and stars observation. So, it can be the most exciting experience for adventurous people.
Safari is a kind of nature touring by vehicle. In the past, people went on nature tourism with camel or horse. But today, it is done with off-road vehicle.
Camel riding is also of the attractive desert recreations, which is available to the tourists in many desert camps. It feels like traveling in time and passing through this pristine nature just like ancient people.
The magnificent sky of desert gives the best opportunity for photography at night. Even if you are not interested in photography, don’t forget to watch stars at night. It is an enjoyable activity to spend night in desert camps.
Shahdad Desert, A Journey to One of the Hottest and Most Mysterious Spots of the Earth
Desert touring is of the most popular fields of nature tourism. So, it is an important touristic attraction for the countries with vast deserts.
Lut Desert is of the most significant deserts of the world, and Shahdad Desert is the best destination for desert touring. So, don’t miss this exciting region on your trip to Iran.
It is interesting to know that a part of Iran is located in the most important desert corridor of the world. That is why this country is home the most pristine and extraordinary deserts of the world. This desert is listed in UNESCO and welcomes many tourists every year.
1001 Nights Tours has planed the most interesting itineraries including this part of Iran. To know more about the details, click here. You can also click here to obtain more information about Iran deserts.